Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Are you waiting for the best time to invest in the market? 

Maybe when you have some extra buzz around and the question arises: 

Will you keep cigarettes lit with hundreds of bills or, what's with the bones, lose some? money goes to market?

Okay, so they may not burn you out of earnings fast. But consider this: The only way most people hope to create real wealth is by investing in capital.

Sure, you can build something wonderful, start a million-dollar company or win a lot, but tell him face to face: Your risk is small.

Slow and steady is the next best choice for storm or wild success. The long-term investment gives you control over your destiny - as opposed to the hope that one day you will inherit wealth.

If you have a hard time worrying about investing in the market, think of six reasons why you should skip it.

1. Business risk is just one of many risks

Losing money in the store is not the biggest threat to your wallet. People who do not have large retirement savings are at risk of sending their savings. 

Those who invest only in securities will lose the power to buy more money.

"Although investing seems risky, not investing means risk, also when you consider the long-term risk of inflation," said the CEO. Financial analyst Peter Peterraroff, CFA, president of the Acropolis Asset Management in St. Louis. Louis

"If you don't increase your income, you probably won't be able to afford it in the future." So, invest in wealth and savings. "

To reduce the risk of inflation, investors should not turn the fence, trying to reach high incomes. The historical inflation period is about 3%. 

A mix of securities and investment can lead to business growth without the risk of a market crash.

2. The stock market and bonds are huge

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Shares and bonds are meat and potatoes for investment. In general, buying stocks is much riskier than buying a bond. Some stocks are less risky than others, though.

For example, you may not lose your shirt by investing in Johnson & Johnson, a large, anti-nipple, small company with little or no profit. Conversely, because small companies tend to grow too much in the production of global brands, the potential for high costs is much greater.

Mortgages remain the same, with companies risking higher repayments when bad loans, such as the US government, offer lower interest rates.

Regardless of your circumstances, there is a link between investments that will meet your goals and risk tolerance - as long as your goals and ability to withstand the risk. 

Is a reality, not a dream. You cannot expect a 100% refund for three months without risk.

3. Planning should reduce risk: Part I

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Specify the assets of the real estate. The investment is about how to distribute the money to different investments. 

The method of combining investments determines the level of risk in a situation. 

With the right mix, you can control the conversion rates for certain things. You also have some control over the level of return. 

Investments are more likely to offer higher returns; less risk favourable return.

"There are some investments to prevent you from incurring huge losses when we have another event in 2008," said Matthew Tuttle, Tuttle's chief executive of tactical management at Stamford Connecticut.

Not all shares are equal and not all contracts are equal.

4. Planning should reduce risk: Part II

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Buying and selling on investments are uncontrollable. 

Whether you are constantly repeating or hiring strategic changes in asset circulation, having a buy-and-sell policy will prevent you from stepping in and arguing at the wrong time.

"Emotions make you an investor in DIY or technology.  Your emotions can be deceiving and make you buy and sell at the wrong time."

A well-planned approach removes fear and depression from the equation.

It takes a simple view and a clear path to investing. "Here's what and when to buy." Here's what I'm going to sell when. "

5. It's time to sell, not time to sell

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Eliminate trying to sell more people, whether they are on their way to sales or outings. No one knows when or how this happened.

"We have recently seen people who do not want to invest in stocks or raise stocks because they are worried that the estimate is too high," said Netta, CFA, wealth advisor Henrikson Nauta in Belmont.

One tool that analysts use to calculate the market value of a stock is called a price to earnings ratio, or CAPE. 

It takes the value of the index that is part of the Primary & Poor and divides it into an average 10-year fixed-rate, adjusted for inflation.

But that doesn't mean leaving the stock altogether. "The market has been able to sell at these high levels for several years, and at the moment it has lost a lot of returns," said Nauta.

Don't wait for the right moment. Instead, start with the average dollar value in stock sales. 

This plan includes regularly investing in a percentage of your income in the market, such as in a job retention plan.

6. Advertising is no different

Best 6 reasons to invest in stocks in 2020

Younger investors may feel that the limit is too close to them and they cannot beat professional traders with their incredibly fast computers and their complicated algorithms. 

And it is in fact true. But the good news is that they don't sell potatoes so cheap that it doesn't matter.

"Continuous trading has very little impact on ordinary investors. If an investor doesn't buy big blocks of security, he rarely gets them."

Criminals and pirates destroy the public's confidence in the stock market, but in the end, without keeping up with the economic growth people will eventually.

"You would never find another way to convert $ 100,000 into a million dollars," Tuttle said, "unless you have a good press."